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I have a dream

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Category: 🎙️ Famous Quotes WiFi Names

"I Have a Dream" is the title of a famous speech by Martin Luther King, which he gave on August 28, 1963 during the March on Washington for work and freedom in front of more than 250,000 people in front of the Lincoln Memorial Washington, DC.

The speech summarized the most important current demands of the civil rights movement for the social, economic, political and legal equality of African Americans in the form of a future vision for the United States. It expressed King's hope for future agreement between the U.S. Constitution, particularly its principle of equality, and social reality, which was largely shaped by segregation and racism. The refrain-like, spontaneously improvised sentence I have a dream of the final passages became the title of the speech. This became one of King's most cited speeches, which exemplified his view of the American Dream.

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